Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Marketing Portfolio Final

Marketing Portfolio Final

Q Work Sample 1- OXO: Micro and Macro-environmental analysis

Q Work Sample 2 – VALS Blog Post

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There is no absolute mission statement of the company, OXO but it has been found that the brand believes in, “we believe in a better way”, which indicates that the company focuses at designing and delivering tools which will surpass the expectation of the customers (OXO,2019). Simplicity is the design philosophy of the brand and it offers a wide range of tools products varying from cooking ad bakery to baby and toddlers. The overall marketing management orientation of the brand OXO is the societal marketing orientation concept because the brand is trying to make a stand that its products are introduced to cater to the needs of the customers and keep them satisfied.